List of Sessions
Rare-Earth solubility limits in simplified borosilicate glass Isabelle Giboire, Nicolas Galy, Ines PONSOT, Abdesammad Kidari, Myriam Chartier
Radioactive iodine conditioning in silver phosphate glasses Anne-Lise Chabauty, Lionel Campayo, Francois MEAR, Lionel MONTAGNE, Olivier Pinet
Crystallization behavior of iron- and boron-containing nepheline based glasses: Implications for the performance of high level nuclear waste glasses Ashutosh Goel, Ambar Deshkar, John McCloy, Mostafa Ahmadzadeh, Alex Scrimshire, Paul Bingham, Donna Guillen
Structure of Mixed Anion Salt Glasses from Synchrotron X-Ray Pair Distribution Functions Emily Nienhuis, Jose Marcial, Muad Saleh, John McCloy
The Effect of Phosphorus on Molybdenum Solubility in Boroaluminosilicate Glasses Scott KROEKER, Arun Krishnamurthy
Vitrification of Waste Containing High Content of Molybdenum and Sodium Mike Harrison, Clive Brigden, Russell Hand, Tracey Taylor, Michael Ingrams, Rebecca Sparkes