
Otto Schott Research Award


 The Otto Schott Research Award alternates with the Carl Zeiss Research Award every year in recognition of excellence in scientific research and motivational support for cooperation between scientific research and industry. The Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft innovation agency for the German science system is responsible for the two research awards, which invites contenders from across the world – matching the SCHOTT AG and CARL ZEISS AG sphere of activity. Award winners have included German scientists in physics and chemistry along with scientists from a variety of European countries, the USA, Russia, Japan and China.






Pr. Austen Angell

This year´s Otto Schott Research Award will be presented to the esteemed glass scientist Prof. Dr. C. Austen Angell from Arizona State University, USA for his pioneering, lasting scientific contributions throughout his illustrious research career. The prestigious Otto Schott Research Award will be presented as part of the Conference Opening Ceremony.

Prof. Angell’s impressive contribution to the world of glass science is best expressed in numbers:

  • 100 of his 523 essays to date have been cited over 100 times
  • Angell’s publications have been cited nearly 58,000 times of which 17,500 coming within the last five years
  • In the last 5 years, Angell holds a remarkable h-index (ratio for a scientist’s global reputation in professional circles) of 64; his entire career registers 106

Angell’s findings and respectable achievements have garnered high interest from the glass community. Famous for his independent work on understanding liquid dynamics, the American scientist has focused particularly on the classification of viscous fluids, as well as the description of cooperative processes for liquids in the form of an “energy landscape for cooperative processes in liquids. 


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