List of Sessions
Impact of Temperature and Pressure on the Structure of Borosilicate Glasses Randall Youngman
Structural role of aluminum cation in alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses SOHEI SUKENAGA, Koji Kanehashi, KYUNG-HO KIM, HIROKI YAMADA, TORU WAKIHARA, KOJI OHARA, Koji Inoue, Yasuyoshi Nagai, HIROYUKI SHIBATA
Local environment of iron ions in magnesium aluminosilicate glasses from liquid helium temperature to glass transition temperature Rikiya Kado, Gerald Lelong, Tetsuo Kishi, Georges CALAS, Tetsuji Yano
Chemical homogeneity and network topology from NMR experiments Dominique Massiot, Valérie Montouillout, Nadia PELLERIN, Michael Deschamps, Pierre Florian, Babacar DIALLO, Daniel Neuville, Charles Le Losq, Franck FAYON
Short range order in amorphous germanium tellurides Pál Jóvári, Annie Pradel, Andrea Piarristeguy, Ivan Kaban