
Pressure dependence of density and structural relaxation of glass near the glass transition region
Linfeng Ding  1, *@  , Stephan Buhre  1  , Clemens Kunisch  2  , Boris Kaus  1  
1 : Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University
55128 Mainz -  Germany
55122 Mainz -  Germany
* : Corresponding author

A simplified and effective pressure cell together with an experimental procedure has been developed and applied to compress samples of SCHOTT N-BK7â glass under static high pressures in a piston-cylinder apparatus. Results from the density and volume recovery measurements show that, the glass samples were effectively densified in piston-cylinder apparatus with the density at room temperature increasing linearly with frozen-in pressure. To explain the experimental data, we developed a mathematical model based on a suggestion by Gupta (1988) with two internal parameters, named fictive temperature (Tf) and fictive pressure (Pf), which fits the experimental data well.

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